Permakulttuurin graafinen fasilitointi
Hola! Vietin viikon Espanjan Katalonian maakunnassa sijaitsevalla permakulttuuritilalla Mas Les Vinyesissä 5.-12.8.2023 välisenä aikana yhdessä reilun parin kymmenen muun eurooppalaisen nuoren kanssa. Opiskelimme graafisen fasilitaation periaatteita ja käytäntöjä, eli miten kuvallisen ilmaisun keinoin voidaan välittää tietoa opetettavasta aiheesta ja millaisilla keinolla voidaan rikastuttaa visuaalista kerrontaa. Teemana graafisen fasilitaation tehtäville oli permakulttuurinen konteksi. Olen itse graafinen suunnittelija ammatiltani ja permakulttuurin periaatteisiin olen perehtynyt jo pidemmän tovin, joten tämä opetuskokonaisuus osui ja upposi meikäläiselle.
Permakulttuuriin liittyviä opetuspäiviä olisin toivonut hieman enemmän. Viikon puolivälissä järjestettiin kurssin väliarviointi ja ryhmän toiveesta loppuviikolle saatiin hieman lisää opintoja ja hands on tekemistä permakulttuuriin liittyen, mitkä olivatkin monille viikon kohokohtia.
Yhteisöllisyys ja niihin liittyvät käytännön toimenpiteet, kuten jakopiirit olivat läsnä joka päivän ohjelmassa. Jokainen päivä aloitettiin aina jakopiirillä, mikä saattoi myös sisältää jotain humoristisia ja leikillisiä aiheita. Aamun jakopiiri oli fasilitoitu ohjaajien toimesta ja päivän päätteksi järjestettiin toinen jakopiiri jossa sana oli vapaa. Kaikki jakaminen kuitenkin oli aina vapaaehtoista. Oli mukava huomata miten parin päivän jälkeen ystävystymisen myötä ihmiset uskaltautuvat jakamaan itsestään syvällisempiä tunteita ja tarpeita.
Kaiken kaikkiaan opetus, tilat ja järjestelyt tälle koulutusmatkalle olivat erinomaisia. Itselleni tämä oli tärkeä kokemus, joka tarjosi mahdollisuuden reflektoida omaa toimintaani sosiaalisissa tilanteissa ja sitä kautta oppia paljon itsestäni. Oli mielettömän mahtavaa tutustua mukaviin ihmisiin ympäri Euroopan mannerta ja saada autenttinen kokemus siitä miltä yhteisöllinen eko asuminen käytännössä tuntuu.
Olli Aittoniemi
Kuvat: Łukasz Woźniak
The Mas Les Vinyes Cooperative was born with the aim of creating a system that would allow a more sustainable way of living that respects nature and, at the same time, be a formative and demonstrative space of an ecological and regenerative system. The Cooperative manages a farm and a training center in the center of Catalonia (Lluçanès) following the principles of permaculture to design the farm where food production (biodynamic agriculture, food forests and integrated livestock) coexists with the community life, regenerative forest management and resilience.
The short and long term objectives can be summarized in working to reduce our needs, to be less and less dependent on external energy (fossil energy, nutrients, etc.) moving towards a greater resilience,closing cycles, greater production, more nutrients.
For this we have planned, And have in progress the following actions or systems: stabilize the productive organic Orchard getting reduce the energy provided, transform cereal fields into food forests or similar forestry, establish rational integrated grazing for soil regeneration, continue working to close cycles (water purification ponds, compost creation, vermiculture, etc.), design the management of the 20 forest hectares , rebuild the hoy se spaces with bioconstruction principles, among others.
All our team is constantly Increasing Their knowledge in topics related to permaculture, agriculture, bioconstruction, PRV, organic beekeeping, phytotherapy, etc.
We are part of the Woofing and Workaway volunteer networks from the beginning of the project and we value very positively the exchange of energy and knowledge that we are having with the volunteers.
Being a holistic project which includes projects of different characteristics, allows people with different concerns and profiles to approach to the project where they can learn and contribute the most.
The principles of Permaculture talk about taking care of the earth, the people and sharing knowledge and surpluses. transmitting these values to people who collaborate with the project is an opportunity to share the social, economic and environmental changes that we propose and carry out to practice.
Sharing our experiences we feel that we are giving new tools to young people to change their view on food production, their relationship with nature and the many possibilities they have to satisfy their needs.
At Mas Les Vinyes we like to open the doors of our project and receive people interested in learning and sharing knowledge. Therefore, since 2014 we have been fortunate to have the support of dozens of volunteers from different parts of the world.
Right now we are working with the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteer program.
For the next 2023, we offer:
4 places or an individual volunteering during the period May-November within the ESC program.
Who can apply? People between 20-30 years old who have the nationality in one of the countries accepted by the program (can’t be Spain, see the list).
Information about ESC program
Mas Les Vinyes is a non-governmental organization that was born 9 years ago with the aim of creating a system that would become a more sustainable way of living that respects nature and, at the same time, it represents a formative and demonstrative space of an ecological and regenerative system for people.
We are an intentional community with 4 adults, 3 youth, 3 dogs, 2 cats, ducks, chickens and sheep. We are also looking for new families to increase our little community.
We can all speak Catalan, Spanish and English, although our mother tongue is Catalan and sometimes it is hard to speak another language between us. We speak mainly English and Spanish with the volunteers.
As we live on a farm and we are compromised with food sovereignty, we follow an omnivorous diet. We won’t be able to host vegan people as we also eat eggs, milk, cheese, honey, etc.
Our farm is located in El Lluçanès, in the middle of Catalonia (Spain). It’s got 24 hectares and it’s also a training center where we follow the principles of permaculture to design the farm where food production (biodynamic agriculture, food forests and integrated livestock) coexists with the community life, regenerative forest management and resilience.
As for the volunteers, we have hosted tens of them coming from different places of the world. For the last 3 years we have been participating in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme and we hosted 7 ESC volunteers. For this 2023, we would like to host 4 ESC volunteers to help us with animals, gardens, forest management, natural building, maintenance of the spaces, cleaning and cooking, etc. A volunteer works 30 hours per week and gets a little pay from ESC (150€/month approx).
When a person wants to become a volunteer in the project, we analyze their profile, valuing knowledge in different areas that may be interesting for the project: biology, beekeeping, agriculture, livestock, forestry, as well as knowledge or interest in permaculture, collaboration with non-profit organizations or experience in similar projects on farms. Finally we value the personal motivations of the volunteers to ensure that the profiles will fit. During the selection process, each specific case is evaluated according to the needs of the project at each moment.